Monday, October 25, 2010

, if you put your cold appendage on your hot forehead,which do consistency most, the temperature or the cold?

, if you put your cold appendage on your hot forehead,which do consistency most, the temperature or the cold?
Wow, good cross-examine......
I believe you will feel the coldness of your mitt on your hot forehead, especially if you are touching your own head.
temperature on your forehead.
Your hand is more sensitive than your forehead, hence you feel the high temperature from your head.
cold... i guess. yeah its the cold.
Due to the law of thermodynamics bake will move from a hot system to a colder one therefore you would grain the cold as the system moves towards thermal equilibrium.
if u put ure COLD hand on ure HOT forehead afterwards def. u will feel the high temperature.
My guess is the warmth of your forehead. That's why Moms other feel their child's organizer for fevers. (The best passageway to check though is with your orifice. ) Is it because hands own more touch sensors? Oh, sorry, that was a query.
Since cold makes you numb I'm going to vote you'll feel the cold the most. Your director, being melt will have more sensitivity than your numb paw would.
I feel cold.
Of course its the cold you grain more, Your hands are other colder than your head, thats why when you dont discern good, somebody other puts their hand on your forehead to see if you are melt, or got a heat, and thats with their mitt at a natural heat

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