Monday, October 25, 2010

====Muscle soreness after exercise====?

can a muscle relaxant such as a soma or flexeril help smoothness the pain. or does advil or tylenol work?====Muscle soreness after exercise====?
pocket TYYYYlenOL! 0_O
Use Advil or Tylenol. If you use a muscle relaxer, it will mask the dull pain and you have the peril of hurting the muscle with goings-on. Use an ice pack for the swelling next a heating wad to relax the muscles.
When I ran track I get sore muscles and I didnt take anything, but I would rob Advil if I was you.
First of adjectives you have to stretch up to that time any exercise../ sounds like over exertion
Warm Epsom saline bath and Tylenol.
Advil and tylenol may both sustain ease the affliction, but only advil address the underlying inflamation. Both soma and flexeril attack the inflamation and help muscles "tolerate go", but seem a bit unhealthy handed for regular exercise.
Perhaps adjust your approach to exercise by adding a more gradual warm-up phase, moderating intensity, taking time to stretch afterwards, icing a sore nouns and/or adding an prominence on post work out recovery food and drink would serve.
My favorite recent find is that low fat chocolate milk if truth be told contains an almost perfect blend of protien, calcium and carbs to aid sooth recovery and taste much better than the pre-packaged stuff sold at gyms and bike stores. If you drink it within 20-30 minutes post exercise, it will be obsessed in time to guide off the inflamation that otherwise can verbs to grow for hours after you have stopped. The push button is to make sure that you enjoy adequate fluids and nutrition so your body starts to restore your health as soon as possible.

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