Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why do they bid it a funny bone, and why does your arm walk numb when you hit it?

Why do they bid it a funny bone, and why does your arm walk numb when you hit it?
The medical term for the arm bone humerus is the home of the term funny bone but really when you "hit" your funny bone you are hitting your ulnar audacity as it passes through your elbow down to your foot. That is why the numbness.
Cause people giggle at you when you are in cramp...HA
it tickles too
LOL the correct name for it is the humerus bone (check spelling on that!!)
Tis horrid when you hit it though - make me feel sick!
it's call the funny bone because technically it's called the humerus bone. humerus is sort of similar to humurous.get it?
hit any bone that tough and it'll go numb, or be raw. it turns out to be not very funny, huh?
look at this wikipedia article:
Funny can parsimonious either humorous or strange.
There is some sciencetific answer to that cross-question
It is called the funny bone because the medical possession is the "humerous".

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