Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why do we as humans detain the "adjectives cold" so habitually?

I was lower than the impression that once we enjoy had/caught something and then get over that thing our bodies consequently created an immunity or fortification to that thing. I know that our bodies do not procure over everything and sometimes need serve from medication but why is it that we can keep getting colds. I lone ask because I must get a cold at tiniest once every 3 months. Also if there is an plain answer is there anything I can do to protect my body better? Thanks for your lend a hand in finance. Sam.Why do we as humans detain the "adjectives cold" so habitually?
B/c a cold is a viral infection...there are millions of different kind.its not like a bacterial, it cant be treated near antibiotic. viral infections mutate and become different everytime its passed you can have a cold, grasp rid of it and then pick up it again b/c its changed-its become a different type of virus.
Let me put it this way, nearby are over 140 different types of the so called "adjectives cold." And you are right, once we get a cold or a sickness to something, our body can argument it off much faster and easier, but as I said, in that are over 140 different types of colds. Some people enjoy different colds, while you have another. So, you may enjoy become "immune" to one cold, but there is other another one coming your way, a different one.
The merely thing I know of to prevent getting the adjectives cold is to eat stout, take a vitamin supplement , exercise, and stay away from crowds. I used to capture colds all the time when I didn't drink good foods and never took vitamins or exercised. It's intricate to stay away from crowds and that's where you can take into custody colds especially if someone coughs or sneezes. good Luck!!

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