Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why does aspagus produce my pee smell?

Why does aspagus produce my pee smell?
There is a specific type of amino acid surrounded by asparagus that causes the smell (i muse is asperatine...but dont hold me to that). Interesting fact is that some associates cannot smell the asparagus pee smell and some people cannot produce the smell.
didnt know it did that
Yes, it of course can. Yet another reason not to drink asparagus.
It is a little know interesting reality that when you eat Asparagus, the combination of the digestive juice we naturally produce and the pure enzymes and amino acid asparagine, do the same chemical that a skunk produces when it sprays it's wicked odor. the funny part in the order of it though is the amino acid is also used to treat uti's kidney and gallbladder problems.

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