Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why does my anus itch at hours of darkness?

It only itches at dark, not in the daytime. It will be close to this for a week or so every few months and then it merely goes away. What is cause this?Why does my anus itch at hours of darkness?
Maybe bacteria is present and growing because you took a shower early in the hours of daylight and it's a dark, heat place where it can breed faster.
any you dont wipe your anus well or you enjoy worms
may have hemorrhoids.
Take a shower
I would be more worried give or take a few your smelly finger problem...haha
I believe that U might have worms because I read on that when your anus individual itches at night thats when the worms are lay their eggs.EWWWWW! Go to the doctor!
No offense but u should get checked out for worms, they come out at hours of darkness.
Maybe you didn't wipe yourself good ample or when you took a shower, you didn't rinse the soap from that area suitable enough.
could be worms

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