Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why does my arm hurt when I lift up it?

started around a month ago when i was first performance my car door and this shock of stomach-ache just go up my left arm.any reason why it still hurts?Why does my arm hurt when I lift up it?
It is a pinched nerve and take time to heal.
You might own pinched a nerve ... You really ought to do see your doctor!
over stressed it,3 months to fully cure.
hemm powerfully either you pulled a muscle somewhat bit or you damaged a boldness (not severly but kind of jolt it)
take anti-imflamitories and agree to it rest as much as you can.
I have pulled abundantly of arm muscles and used to have a worn out ulner nerve surrounded by my left arm. Took roughly 4 months to heal.
I have this problem a few weeks ago, I could lift things but I couldn't heave my arm, my doctor gave an injection contained by the shoulder and a few minutes later I have full movement, go see your doctor.
Ray West Yorks. U.K

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