Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why does my big toe staple hurt and trickle fluid after playing basketball?

this only happen in my right foot

any info will be effective
thanksWhy does my big toe staple hurt and trickle fluid after playing basketball?
Sounds close to you got a blister underneath your toenail that have popped so it leaks clear fluid. Once that happen, it usually causes the pin to lift past its sell-by date and then if you preserve playing on it, then you'll draw from another blister or the nail irritates the skin underneath cause it to drain. Best way to pinch care of it is to build sure you are wearing the appropriate sized shoe so this doesn't happen again. Also be paid sure that the nail is not ingrown into skin because that can effect "seeping" too. Also keep the pin covered with some Neosporin and a band-aid. If it continues to drip after all this, please budge see your nearest podiatrist. Hope this helps!
It sounds close to an infection..check with your doctor asap.
Umm ably you might have an ingrown toenail.
sounds similar to an ingrown toenail.
You could have an infection below the toe nail.
Your doctor will know how to offer the correct treatment.
Don't close the eyes to medical guidance as soon as possible.
Probably cut your big toe nail and departed a small piece on the side which could dig into you toe, and produce an infection.

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