Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why does my foot do that?

i have this grotesque thing that happen to my foot some times if i step a sertant (Sorry about spelling) channel it feels similar to i step on a nail that go threw my foot and then in the order of 5 minutes later it go away. but the way i step change every time why does my foot do that is have done that for about 1 1/2 years in a minute Any suggestions on what it might be?Why does my foot do that?
From your info, it sounds like plantar fasciitis.
See a podiatrist. A year and a partly is too long to put up with foot stomach-ache. You might even have bone that have come loose or a bone spur (exostosis) in your foot. Get give a hand soon, before it's really serious and you entail a surgery. . . .
Go see a neurologist
Does your foot have any arch to it? I have that problem, I got greatly supportive shoes with a lumbar and plenty of arch support.
You could dance to a foot doctor, I'm not nearly quailfied to diagnos.

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