Saturday, October 16, 2010

Why does my knees singular hurt when I hike (bend it)?

Yesterday I was playing soccer and get kicked (by the ball) right on the right side of my right knee
any suggestions on how to stop the misery?Why does my knees singular hurt when I hike (bend it)?
You may have a ligament or ligament injury--they are stretched when you knee bends.
The previous poster have things absolutely backwards! Put rime on the injury for the first 48 hours and then you can put boil on. The ice initially is to reduction circulation to the area to prevent or fade swelling, then after the initial injury length has passed and the swelling have stopped, you apply heat to increase circulation to the nouns to speed healing.
Rest the knee--stay away from stairs and hill. Take some sort of anti-inflammatory med such as ibuprofen to decrease the inflammation and swelling. Apply a compression lint, such as wrapping with an Ace cold compress. Apply ice. Keep the leg elevated.
Basic first aid for an injury: RICE
That's when you are putting strain on it. Put warmth on for the first 24 hours then rime it.

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