Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why does your arm / leg step numb and why does it hurt?

always wondered why it would hurt if you utter ... slept on your arm and woke up in a stinging sensation from the arm ... and why?!Why does your arm / leg step numb and why does it hurt?
I regard it`s from you not moving it and some little particals of blood is stuck from the pressure of your body.
Mine goes numb from have a pinched nerve within my spine!
it's cause the blood couldn't go and get to the arm or whatever you slept on as in good health so you cut off the circulation, and consequently when you get up adjectives the blood starts rushing to the area again and it make you feel tingly
Pain is a course for your body to tell you to stop doing anything it is that you're doing. When an arm or leg goes numb, you are pinching rotten the blood flow. You aren't stopping it completely, but it is enough to startle your body. So it says "HEY GET THE HELL UP!" That make you move it around and get the blood flowing rear, so as not to lose the extremity.

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